My first name is Qian [pronouced chien, ch like china], last name is Qin [pronouced chin]. I am a Dipl.-Ing. (equiv. m.Sc.) in Computer Engineering.
I was born in Guangxi, China on May 21st, 1984 and moved to Berlin, Germany in 1989.
I speak Chinese (Mandarin), German and English. You can find a shortened version of my CV here.
Work Experience
BSH Digital Ventures GmbH (2018-2020)
Managing Director of the company builder of BSH Home Appliances Group
- Accelerating existing digital hardware business models
- Evaluating and pretotyping potential new digital hardware business models
- Introducing effective and fast innovation processes to the corporate world
- Managing fast hardware development in Shenzhen, China
- Scouting of manufacturers in China for IoT products
- Developing and building low cost proof of concepts
Natural Dental Implants AG (2017-2018)
Project Management, IT, Investor Relations, Business Development
- Fundraising: new record for biggest startup crowd-investing campaign on Companisto (2.5M EUR)
- Managing seamless relocation of company with medical product production site without production downtime
- Organizing pilots with new partners for distribution
- Evaluating market entry for China
Panono GmbH (2012-2017)
Founder, Company Officer with Statutory Authority (Prokurist)
- Building the company with 37 employees
- Development, certification (CE, FCC/IC, RoHS, etc.) and
international roll-out (WEEE, customs, etc.) of a new innovative
throwable camera (as Chief Technology Officer) - Creating of a new market with EUR 2.7M revenue in the first year
after launch (as Vice President Business Development) - Acquiring high seven digit venture funds (as Vice President
Investor Relations) - Fundraising: new record for biggest startup crowd-investing campaign on
Companisto (EUR 1.6M) - Fundraising: new record for biggest crowd-funding campaign from Germany
(USD 1.25M) - Taken over by an investor through an asset-deal
- First Prize “Business Plan Competition Berlin-Brandenburg”
- First Prize “IKT Innovativ Gründerwettbewerb”
- First Prize “Pitch im Paternoster”
- Innovation Prize from the “Gesellschaft für Informatik”
- Honored with “Deutschland Land der Ideen”
Technische Universität Berlin (2003-2012)
- Degree (Dipl.-Ing. equiv. M.Sc.) in Computer Engineering
- Thesis topic: Dynamic Ambient Lighting for Mobile Devices
- Prototype was presented at ACM UIST Symposium in 2011
Jiao-Tong University (2006)
- Semester abroad in Shanghai, China